Sunday, October 28, 2012

Silent Hill Revelation: For the Fans

For those not in the know, Silent Hill Revelation is basically an adaption of the video game Silent Hill 3. (As well as a sequel to the first movie.)


In my opinion, this movie is what the first Silent Hill movie should have been. It catered to Silent Hill fans A LOT. Of course that means it's not really going to be a movie for nonfans. Or at least I don't really see how nonfans could like it.

It's got a sporadic pace, kind of like a roller coaster. From the start you're thrown into the action; the nightmare that is silent hill (much like the beginning of SH3!). Then it's slow for a while, then it's fast! then slow again. They had to put in a lot of explanations and flashbacks from the first movie (which was executed rather well) but I'm not sure it's something people would like.

1) Not that many jump scares
2) Weird soundtrack
3) what the fuck is going on?

There weren't many stupid decisions either. Basically: This wasn't a lame B-movie gore ride which I think made people bored with it (from what I observed in the theater I was in). The guys in the row below me were more preoccupied with all the boobies and vaginas more than anything else.

So now that I've talked about it from a nonfan point of view...Here's my fan reaction:


1) Not that many jumps scares
2) Akira Yamaoka remixed the soundtrack a bit but still very SH3

Chris' name was changed to Harry. Heather looks and moves like Heather.  THEY DIDN'T MAKE HER A WUSS. This was actually what I was seriously worried about. The Heather I knew was really strong and didn't take shit from anyone. She's exactly like that in the movie.

All around Badass.

There's new and old monsters! The new ones were super cool so I'm not upset about this in any way, shape or form. Some people may not be happy with what they chose to do with Pyramid Head, but I like it. Once you see the movie, you'll understand what I mean.

Now things I hated about it:
1) The actress picked for Claudia
2) Vincent

As I mentioned in my first blog post, Carrie-Ann Moss didn't care to see what the video game Claudia was like and decided to play her how she liked. That was her mistake. Her version of Claudia basically sucked

In this picture, we see her failing at Claudia. She isn't even happy with herself ever.

As for Vincent, I could go on and on but I'll just leave it at: I understand it's a movie but does there REALLY need to be a love interest? 

Go back to the wall, Snow!

Even with that, I have to say to Silent Hill fans, I HIGHLY recommend you see it. It was great. And if you can, see it in 3D. I had fun swatting at the ash falling in my face.

To nonfans, I'd say go see it only if you really like story and disturbing movies. Go for the creepy ambience, not for the jump scares or screaming girls.

Possible Spoilers******* Not about plot. Mostly easter eggs I suppose.

There are TONS of nerdy moments for Silent Hill fans. These include:

Locked doors
Robbie the Rabbit
Travis Grady (from SH Origins)
Possible hint at SH: Downpour
Pyramid Head
Save Point Symbol
The Pipe weapon!
etc, etc.

I pretty much fangasmed the whole movie.

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