Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Captain 'Murrica: Winter Soldier

No pictures today because I'm lazy. (Hey, at least I'm honest.)

 Let me break this down for you...Marvel.

 Marvel never really seems to make good plots or even puts any effort into their plots at all. And that's all fine because who the hell really pays attention to those anyway?

 -scrolls through tumblr-


 As terrible as the plot was, this movie had all the action that made it super entertaining. Black Widow was kickin' ass and taking names along with electrocuting herself to continue to kick ass and take names. Redundant, but necessary.

Captain America had some interesting parkour moments and the Falcon was a pretty cool bromantic add-on. ...Ok, it was all totally homo. Captain America had a lot of moments with Bucky (come on, you all knew already) and had the typical romance comedy meeting with Falcon. You can't deny it.

 It attempts to tear jerk but, honestly, I don't care about the characters enough to cry over any of them.

 Overall: Entertaining movie, but don't go for the plot. Go for the butts.

 Also, really Cap? The vending machine???

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