Saturday, September 1, 2012

21 Jump Street

"This is all Glee's fault. Man. Fuck Glee."

    In a moment of weakness I decided to watch this movie last night which was probably to best time to watch it. (Meaning I was sleep deprived and easily amused.)

    I was pleasantly surprised at how decent this movie was. I thought it was going to be another dear God, why would they allow this to be created? kind of movie but that wasn't the case.

    Yes, it was a comedy movie with a lot of why would you do that? moments but it was bearable. There were some ingenious jokes about Korean Jesus and poking fun at action movies with their unrealistic car explosions.

Korean jesus ain't got time for your problems.

    Along with the typical high school clique drama (including new cliques! Now with more hipsters!) there was a dash of irony and life lessons hidden in the comedy. Or jabbed at. However you wish to describe it.

Gave me some uncomfortable memories about high school as well.

    The movie is rather upbeat and shows that no one is innately stupid and anyone can be popular amongst the right kind of people. Just don't leave your best buddies behind.

   All-in-all, this movie was pretty funny, had some new quirky jokes, and a bunch of ridiculousness to make it great. I'd watch it again.

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