Monday, August 13, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Quite literally
    The Dark Knight Rises was everything it should have been. There may have been a plot hole here or there but it wasn't hard to just accept and move on because...well...Batman.

    I was pleasantly surprised by Catherine Hathaway's version of Catwoman. She was way less literal and obvious about the whole cat thing and it definitely worked with this version of Batman. I don't really have much of an opinion on Bane other than his cartoony voice was splendid. Someone that terrifying having a ridiculous voice just kind of adds onto the terrifying. The plot twist was a bit obvious to me but I'll let it slide.


    The only thing that really bothered me was the amount of senseless killing in this movie. There was a TON of it. I'm not usually bothered by it in movies due to desensitization but it was very in your face. I feel like it wouldn't have been as good as it was otherwise but it was definitely a bit difficult to stomach. 

    The entire movie had me emotionally compromised which isn't something I'd love to admit. It was just that good. By the time the movie was over I felt a sense of closure and hope for what future projects it may inspire. I'm just not quite sure what to do with my life now that the trilogy is done. Here's to waiting for the next person to pick up Batman and make it just as good or better.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Death Tube


    One of those movies not many people in the Western hemisphere have seen (or maybe even heard of). It's a Japanese horror I watched a few weeks ago. It was quite the boregorefest. 

    Basically the premises is this: There's a youtube-like website that pops up randomly once a year that can't be traced and it shows people solving puzzles and being killed when they can't finish the puzzle in time. I suppose you can compare it to SAW. There's a group of people and they have to abide by certain rules for every puzzle in order for the whole group to live to the next puzzle. Of course some just want to save themselves and usually end up getting themselves killed for it. 

    The killer is also dressed up in a bear outfit and has a silly cartoonish voice which is rather unsettling.

Yeah, no, thanks.

    Halfway in I was ready to turn it off and go to sleep. I was bored. Unfortunately, I wanted to know who would be the last survivor (or if anyone would get to live, knowing Japanese horror), so I continued on. I have to give it credit for that. It caught my curiosity enough to keep me watching.

   The movie is full of triggers and the ending is rather disappointing but they play some funny music as the credits roll.

   Not for the faint of heart. I would probably say it's an interesting gem for those who love J-Horror. 

The Bourne Legacy

    I have just returned from seeing the movie Hawkeye Begi--- err...The Bourne Legacy.

Yeah, that one.

    If you love nothing but nonstop action then this is definitely the movie for you. No spoilers! Promise!

    This movie is basically a nonstop chase scene; a nonstop chase scene full of badassery.

Chase scene


    Jeremy Renner is a plus. He exudes badassness as he runs along roofs and wrestles a wolf. Yes, he wrestles a wolf. If that isn't badass, I don't know what is. 

    In parts of the movie they speak of Jason Bourne, known for being the main character in the past Bourne movies, but that's all I'll say of that. I'll admit, I haven't seen a Bourne movie until now, so I can't compare it to the others. Just know, it was a good movie. I would probably rate it an 8/10. 
   My only issue with this movie is the ending. The ending itself isn't actually all that bad, just the fact that it ended. It's all action from start to finish. I felt like it was a total abrupt stop and it left me wanting more. In a way I guess that proves just how good it was. I wasn't wondering ten minutes in when it'll end or wondered where this was going. I was sucked in from start to finish. 

   I definitely recommend this movie to Jeremy Renner fans and fans of fast-paced action. The plot will probably make even more sense to Bourne fans so I would also recommend they see it as well regardless of the lack of Jason.

Hunger Games and Battle Royale

People are constantly fighting about which one of these is better and which one is more terrifying. Fight no more, for I have made lists. These are based off of book and movie combined. This way you can see the similarities and differences at a glance!

Battle Royale

  • Not televised
  • Government mandated
  • No one really knows the details (other than what they heard from rumors) but they know it exists and they hear about the lone survivor once it's over.
  • Only one survivor is allowed.
  • It can only last 3 days long.
  • Every 6 hours, who died is announced along with danger zones.
  • If someone isn't killed within the first 24 hours, everyone dies. 
  • Students are chosen without prior knowledge and with their class. (Killing friends)
  • Family members are told. If they try to fight it, they are shot on spot. (Or tortured then killed.)
  • Students are brought to a secluded (often prior population evacuated) area. (in the movie and book, it's an island.)
  • Students have the rules explained to them just before it starts.
  • All students wear a necklace that is water proof. If they remain in danger zones, try to take it off the necklace will blow their head off. 
  • If they try to escape the island, there are battleships waiting to kill them.
  • They are allowed to commit suicide.
  • Every student is issued a bag with a weapon and sustenance. They are also given a map and are allowed to take the bag they had on them when taken.

Hunger Games

  • Televised
  • Government?? mandated
  • Only one survivor allowed. (unless the head changes the rules, apparently.)
  • Lasts as long as it takes for there to be a lone survivor.
  • Everyone knows about the games.
  • Tributes are picked by raffle.
  • People may volunteer to take a Tribute's place in the games.
  • Tributes are trained before it starts.
  • Tributes may gain sponsors who parachute them items during the games.
  • It is a free for all to get bags of food and other items.
  • The games have specialized arenas. (Specialized; ie. Forest arena.)
  • Those in charge of the games may use traps against the Tributes. (ex: fireballs)
  • Tributes are not allowed to commit suicide on purpose.
  • Tributes are allowed to take one item with them to the games.
  • There are two Tributes per District. (Killing strangers and possibly fellow district member)

If you have more to add to the lists or have a correction for me, lay it on me. I'm not a Hunger Games expert so I might be missing a lot here.

Silent Hill - The Movie

    Every Silent Hill fan's nightmare; and I'm not talking about Silent Hill itself.

    The movie was an adaptation from the game series, or rather a hybrid of two or three of the games. I won't summarize the movie but here's how it became a hybrid.

    It took the initial plot of the first game, Harry Mason looking for his daughter. 

Wow. Harry's got some legs and--hold up.

    Wait...That's not Harry...Harry isn't even in the movie? The movie creators decided people would be more worried about a female than a male so they changed the character to Rose looking for her daughter Sharon (not Cheryl in this movie. Why the name change of the daughter, I'll never know). Her husband, Christopher DaSilva, is looking for the both of them, however. While it has the first game's base plot and also a few of its characters, it also uses Silent Hill 3's soundtrack (with a few added beats here and there) and Pyramid Head from the second game.

    All-in-all this movie would have been a decent adaptation. And it was. At least I thought it was. 

    Look at it this way; it's a movie. They basically made their own Silent Hill with echoes from the video game. They gave us pretty cool camera angles and scary monsters we saw in the games. (Nurses, Pyramid Head, those annoying bugs.) 

Then there was this guy. Could be worse. Could've been a toilet.

    Pyramid Head might not have the same reason for existence as per the second game, but he did have a role and explanation. He was the punisher. He's also a sexual symbol. Alessa was born out of wedlock and raped, so I suppose you can string those together. The point is, why get mad that is isn't exactly like the game? They put everything we liked into one. A big bowl of locked drawers and checking the map 50 times. No, seriously. That's in the movie. Go watch it again if you didn't notice. 

    I felt that this movie did rather well at being a video game made into movie. (Better than Doom!) However, we now have Silent Hill Revelation 3D coming out in October. It has a different everything; director, writer, etc. This is pretty worrisome. Especially when one of the actresses herself admitted to not even caring to look at the video game as reference for her character. (Carrie-anne Moss playing Claudia, in case you were wondering.) Also, their remake all together of the character Vincent. 

Snow, what are you doing? Go back to the Wall.

    Pretty sure he's supposed to be a middle aged man, not a teenager attending school with Heather (whose name isn't even Heather!). But I'll keep my reservations for now.