Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Bourne Legacy

    I have just returned from seeing the movie Hawkeye Begi--- err...The Bourne Legacy.

Yeah, that one.

    If you love nothing but nonstop action then this is definitely the movie for you. No spoilers! Promise!

    This movie is basically a nonstop chase scene; a nonstop chase scene full of badassery.

Chase scene


    Jeremy Renner is a plus. He exudes badassness as he runs along roofs and wrestles a wolf. Yes, he wrestles a wolf. If that isn't badass, I don't know what is. 

    In parts of the movie they speak of Jason Bourne, known for being the main character in the past Bourne movies, but that's all I'll say of that. I'll admit, I haven't seen a Bourne movie until now, so I can't compare it to the others. Just know, it was a good movie. I would probably rate it an 8/10. 
   My only issue with this movie is the ending. The ending itself isn't actually all that bad, just the fact that it ended. It's all action from start to finish. I felt like it was a total abrupt stop and it left me wanting more. In a way I guess that proves just how good it was. I wasn't wondering ten minutes in when it'll end or wondered where this was going. I was sucked in from start to finish. 

   I definitely recommend this movie to Jeremy Renner fans and fans of fast-paced action. The plot will probably make even more sense to Bourne fans so I would also recommend they see it as well regardless of the lack of Jason.

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