Saturday, August 11, 2012

Death Tube


    One of those movies not many people in the Western hemisphere have seen (or maybe even heard of). It's a Japanese horror I watched a few weeks ago. It was quite the boregorefest. 

    Basically the premises is this: There's a youtube-like website that pops up randomly once a year that can't be traced and it shows people solving puzzles and being killed when they can't finish the puzzle in time. I suppose you can compare it to SAW. There's a group of people and they have to abide by certain rules for every puzzle in order for the whole group to live to the next puzzle. Of course some just want to save themselves and usually end up getting themselves killed for it. 

    The killer is also dressed up in a bear outfit and has a silly cartoonish voice which is rather unsettling.

Yeah, no, thanks.

    Halfway in I was ready to turn it off and go to sleep. I was bored. Unfortunately, I wanted to know who would be the last survivor (or if anyone would get to live, knowing Japanese horror), so I continued on. I have to give it credit for that. It caught my curiosity enough to keep me watching.

   The movie is full of triggers and the ending is rather disappointing but they play some funny music as the credits roll.

   Not for the faint of heart. I would probably say it's an interesting gem for those who love J-Horror. 

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